Energy Trust

Save Money by Laura DeVito

A great sign posted here in Silverton to show the way you may be able to save with home costs and live more energy efficiently.

A great sign posted here in Silverton to show the way you may be able to save with home costs and live more energy efficiently.

Energy efficiency is one of the many ways you may be able to save some money on continuous home costs. It could be as simple as replacing light bulbs with LED or perhaps getting a Smart thermostat to regulate the temperature in your home. Other ways to more your home more energy efficient may be to think about if your home is as insulated as it could be, so that way your heating and cooling aren’t accidentally leaving through the crack in your backdoor. This is what some builders call having a tightly sealed envelope, because it means all the potential leaks both within and on the exterior of the home have been sealed up.

Other ways of increasing the energy efficiency of your home could be to think about are having Energy Star appliances, or perhaps those solar panels you have been thinking about. These types of upgrades are a bit more of an investment. However, if you’re thinking about staying in your home for awhile, they may be really great things to consider.

Besides saving money by using energy more efficiently, there’s actually programs out there that may be able to help with the bill for these upgrades. So, that’s pretty rad, too. The Energy Trust Program is one of the many programs out there that may be able to help you out with your quest to live a more green and energy efficient lifestyle.

If you’re in the market for a more energy efficient home, or perhaps the upgrades you could do with an older home, let’s talk. I’d be glad to help you with your home search.